How to Build Your Gigabit Network
This is a four-part webinar series hosted by Kirton McConkie telecommunications attorneys David Shaw, Shareholder, and Drew Clark, Of Counsel, addressing various issues municipalities should consider before creating a Gigabit network.
Click on the webinar title to view the webinar, click on the presentation titles to view the handouts.
Part 1: Avoiding Mistakes Before You Begin
Masha Zager, Editor, Broadband Communities magazine: Overview of Community Broadband Networks
Zane Logan, City Manager, Powell, WY: no presentation available
Part 2: Lessons from Municipal Success Stories
Brings together some of the lessons learned by municipalities in building their Gigabit networks. Officials from cities that have designed and built networks discuss their goals and expected outcomes. How can we measure the success of these networks?
David Shaw, Kirton McConkie, Shareholder and Drew Clark, Kirton McConkie, Of Counsel: Lessons from Municipal Success Stories
Andrew Cohill - Danville, Virginia: Open Access Success Stories and Best Practice
Deb Socia, Executive Director, Next Century Cities: Lessons from Municipal Success Stories
Bruce Patterson - Ammon, Idaho: Lessons Learned.
Part 3: Selling the Benefits to Users
What are the benefits to cities, citizens and businesses from building Gigabit Networks? Emerging high-bandwidth apps require greater connectivity speeds, made easier by fiber networks. Who is experiencing such benefits today, and how we can use their stories?
David Martin, Strategy and Development Group, Orange Silicon Valley: A Consumer Apps Initiative
Glenn Ricart, Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Ignite: Smart Gigabit City Applications
Part 4: Resources for Municipalities
What resources are available to cities as they approach Gigabit Networks, alone or in public-private partnerships? Interest in Gigabit Networks is growing and municipalities that go down that path are not alone.
Steve Johnson, SJ Advisors LLC: Tax-Exempt Financing Discussion
Adam Eisner, Director of Networks, Ting: A Service Provider’s View of Municipal Partnerships
Lev Gonick, OneCommunity: Public Benefit Next Generation Broadband Network