23 Kirton McConkie attorneys named as 2019 Mountain States Super Lawyers
We are pleased to announce that Super Lawyers have recognized 23 Kirton McConkie attorneys across 11 practice areas as Mountain States Super Lawyers.
Super Lawyers selects attorneys through peer evaluations and independent research. Each attorney is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. The objective of Super Lawyers is to create a credible comprehensive and diverse listing of outstanding attorneys that can be used as a resource for attorneys and consumers searching for legal counsel.
Lorin C. Barker
Jackie Bosshardt
Brian W. Burnett
James T. Burton
Thomas K. Checketts
Charles W. Dahlquist, II
Alexander Dushku
Benson L. Hathaway
Christopher S. Hill
Loyal C. Hulme
Robert C. Hyde
Michael F. Krieger
Brad Lowe
Thomas A. Mecham
Craig Metcalf
Joseph V. Osmond
Kyle G. Petersen
Joshua S. Rupp
Peter C. Schofield
Brian D. Tucker
David M. Wahlquist
R. Gary Winger
Lee A. Wright